Sunday, December 10, 2006

Week #4 - Recovery Week Recap

When it comes to strength training, I’m in the second week of my power phase. I am planning to do a total of 5 weeks of power exercises. These exercises include leg squats, leg curls, lat pull downs, rows and dumbell press. Each exercise is done with three set of 8-15 reps with a load of 30%-60% maximum determined in the Maximum strength phase. So far, I am feeling strong.

The swim is starting to pick up a little. I am currently swimming twice a week and doing a lot of drill work. The second workout during the week is where I am working on my endurance.

The run is going well. I did a 1 mile time trial on the treadmill (forgot cold weather cloths). I was able to pull out a 6:30 mile. At a max heart rate of 158 bpm.

The bike is also progressing. I completed the 30 minute time trial (CP30) with a sustained average of 165 WATTS.

Overall, I feel the recovery week went well. I kept my frequency, lowered the volume and because of that I feel stronger and refreshed.

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